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Jewellery valuation and insurance

If your home is already covered by Churchill's home contents insurance, then your valuables are automatically covered up to the 30% of the value of your policy. For example, if your policy covers £50,000 worth of contents, your valuables are covered up to £15,000 (£2,000 per item) if they are lost or stolen.

If any of your valuables are worth more than £2,000, you should list these on your policy. If you don't tell us about them, the most we will pay per item is £2,000. If you'd like to talk to us about this, please give us a call. Our team would be happy to help.

Do I need a valuation?

It's not essential to get your items valued in order to get them insured, but it is a good idea for your own piece of mind. There are several reputable companies that can value your items, and that will help you to make sure that you have the right level of cover. This way, if your valuables are stolen or lost, you'll be fairly compensated. In the event of claiming for these items, you will need to provide proof of value and ownership.

Is my jewellery covered outside of the home?

The chances are, you want to enjoy your precious jewellery and make the most of it by wearing it outside of the home. If you own items of jewellery that you would like to insure for those times when you wear them out and about, you might like to consider taking out Personal Possessions. That way, you can rest assured that your items are covered no matter where you show them off.