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Contents Insurance

Churchill contents insurance covers the things that matter most in your home.

We offer cover of up to £50,000 as standard and settle claims for items we can't repair on a new-for-old basis. We'll be there for you if you are the victim of a setback such as theft, fire or flooding.

So what's covered?

  • Contents in the home and its outbuildings (limits apply)
  • Money kept at home
  • Replacement locks if your keys are stolen
  • Items kept in the garden
  • The contents of your freezer
  • The cost of alternative accommodation whilst repairs are carried out if your home becomes uninhabitable after an insured event (limits apply)

Do you have valuables at home?

Valuables are automatically covered up to 30% of your contents sum insured. However, if you require more than this please contact us.

Valuable items include:

  • Jewellery
  • Watches
  • Furs
  • Items or sets or collections of gold and silver or other precious metals
  • Works of art
  • Sets of stamps, coins and medals

What about Accidental Damage cover?

Accidental Damage cover is not included in your policy as standard but this can be added to your policy for an additional cost. It's a good idea if you want cover for common mistakes like dropping a mirror while hanging it or spilling paint on the carpet or sofa.

What's covered as standard Maximum value
Contents cover £50,000
Alternative accommodation during repairs, for you and your pets (if your property is uninhabitable) £15,000 (£40,000 if you have buildings and contents insurance)
Occupiers and Personal liabilities £2,000,000
Business equipment £5,000
Contents temporarily taken out of the home £5,000
Theft from outbuildings £2,500
Valuables not listed separately on your policy Up to 30% of your contents sum insured

Don't forget to take a look at our other optional extras to further enhance your contents insurance.

Home insurance policy