The help and support you need is just a few clicks away
You'll receive your renewal documents in the post 21 days before your current cover ends.
Automatic renewal
If you're set up for automatic renewal and you're happy with the cover outlined in your renewal documents, we'll automatically renew your policy and send you new documents.
We'll take payment within seven days of renewal, using your existing details.
Manual renewal
If you opted for manual renewal, your policy will expire on the date shown on your renewal letter. Alternatively, you can renew your policy using the button below:
If you'd like to make changes to your policy before renewing or if you wish to opt out of automatic renewal, our Customer Service team can help you.
If you haven't found your answer yet and still have a question, then it might be time to pick up the phone and get in touch.
Customer services Quotes RenewalsChurchill breakdown assistance Green Flag breakdown assistance
If you wish to make a complaint please email or view our complaints procedure